Please complete the Online Application (links in sidebar) or download and complete the admission forms below. Please contact the main office for printed copies of the forms.
We use a two-part application for new students (grades K – 12) in order to reduce the need for parents to complete the same family information for each child when more than one is applying from the same home.
GPCS Li’l Lions Preschool Application (1 per student) The nonrefundable $25 Application Fee may be paid online at the conclusion of the application or by check mailed to or dropped off at our Main Office.
Li’l Lions applicants who are accepted into the program will need to submit the following forms. They can be downloaded, completed, and returned by email or mail along with the $150 per student registration fee and updated immunization records These forms and the registration fee should not be submitted until a child is accepted for admission.
Family Agreement (1 per family; this form must be printed and signed)*
Health Information & Emergency Authorization (1 per family)*
Annual Student Release Info & Image/Work Use (1 per family)*
Tuition & Fees Agreement (1 per family)*
* Required after acceptance, along with the non-refundable registration fee of $150 per student, to reserve the child’s spot.
We use a two-part application for new kindergarten students in order to reduce the need for parents to complete the same family information for each child when more than one is applying from the same home.
Application Part 1 – Family Profile – Grades K-12 (1 per family) This provides us basic family information that you will not have to repeat for other students applying from your family.
Application Part 2 – Kindergarten – Individual Student Application (1 per Kindergarten student) This provides us specific information about individual students. The nonrefundable Application Fee of $25/student may be paid online at the conclusion of the application or may be paid by check to the Main Office.
We use a two-part application for new students (grades 1 – 12) in order to reduce the need for parents to complete the same family information for each child when more than one is applying from the same home. Please also provide a copy of the student’s most recent report card or progress report for applicants for grades 1 – 12.
Application Part 1 – Family Profile – Grades K-12 (1 per family) This provides us basic family information that you will not have to repeat for each student applying from your family.
Application Part 2 – Grades 1-12 – Individual Student Application (1 per student) This provides us specific information about individual students. The nonrefundable Application Fee of $25/student may be paid online at the conclusion of the application or may be paid by check to the Main Office.
Those completing the online application (grades 1 – 12) need to download, complete, and return the following supplemental forms by email or mail.
Character Reference (1 per student, grades 6 – 12) Please sign the waiver at the top and provide to a church leader or other individual (other than family) who is familiar with your child’s character.
Educator Recommendation (1 per student) Please sign the waiver at the top and provide to an educator (teacher, administrator, guidance counselor, etc.) who is familiar with your child’s education experience.
Student Essays: Grades 6-12 (1 per student) To be completed in the student’s own words and handwriting.
There are additional forms (see below) that will need to be completed after a student is accepted for admission.
Forms for After Acceptance (Preschool – Grade 12)
These forms should be completed after your child has been accepted for enrollment; please download, complete, and return by email or mail.
Family Agreement (1 per family; this form must be printed and signed by both parents, if applicable, and by any students in grades 6 – 12)*
Health Information & Emergency Authorization (1 per family)*
Annual Student Release Info & Image/Work Use (1 per family)*
Tuition & Fees Agreement (1 per family)*
* Required after acceptance, along with the non-refundable registration fee of $150 per student, to reserve the child’s spot.
Additional Supplemental Forms & Information
Student Physical Examination Form (For all New Students and Kindergartners; NOT required for Preschool students)
Parental/Guardian Consent for G Suite for Education (grades 1-12)
Authorization to Administer Medication (For students who must receive daily/regular medications while at school)
Authorization to Administer Acetaminophen & Ibuprofen (For students in grades 6-12 only)
School Records Request (For students transferring to GPCS from another school)
Up-to-date Immunization Records (can be sent to the school directly from the healthcare provider’s office)